Count Four

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Evidence Lynch possessed marijuana at his Medical Marijuana Dispensary

Count 4 of my conviction is Possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, in violation of 21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1)

This isn't counting up! This is the same Count used against me in Counts One, Two and Three and Five! I guess the difference here there was One a conspiracy, Two and Three a minor was involved and Count Five a premises was involved. Remember no State Law or Medical Marijuana testimony allowed. Here is a picture of what the dispensary had in stock when the feds raided, confiscated and 'destroyed' but forgot to weigh properly before destroying and prosecuting.

My defense against this charge is that State Law allows it by the 10th Amendment to the Constitution ie States Rights and the City of Morro Bay licensed me to do it. It would seem logical that I would have to have possess marijuana in order to provide medical marijuana to qualified members of the community. But again Federal Law trumps any mention of my defense and the jury sees only a carefully staged pile of 'marijuana' which was found in my 'store'.

To manufacture, distribute, or dispense, or possess with intent to manufacture, distribute, or dispense, a controlled substance, marijuana being the controlled substance in my case, is a Federal offense and trumps any State Laws that allow it. Yes that means you too CO, WA and twenty plus other states. I had a Medical Marijuana Dispensary Business License and a Conditional Use Nursery Permit issued by the City of Morro Bay CA. Anyhow the Feds 'ad nauseam', as Judge Wu noted, showed that... I distributed marijuana which contained real THC from my "marijuana store" as they called it. When I was on the witness stand I never denied providing to our members but when I mentioned California State Law, the Constitution 10th amendment, City Regulations, Medical Marijuana my testimony was stricken from the record and the jury's minds cleared of what I said.

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It was safely stored away in a gun safes

Business license and other Documents can be found on my Wikipedia page @

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